Attempt at witty blog name: check. Oversimplified layout that took way too long to pick out: check. Post Numero Uno: check.
Welcome to a little blog about all the neat bits and pieces that make up the world around us. Musings on life, the universe and everything. World peace will not be attained by reading it, trendy handbags will not be for sale on it, and quite possibly very few people will even stumble upon it long enough to read beyond this maiden voyage of a post. But it's here and, like so many things in life, available for you to do with what you will.
At this point blogging is pretty much uncharted territory for me. I want to believe that this is advantageous for me in some way. Perhaps a way to approach the concept fresh, from a point of view purely unique to moi. But isn't that why people blog anyway? So who's to say. If this blog can keep the glass half full and offer up a dash of color and depth to an otherwise drab canvas out there somewhere for someone, then it has done it's job. Let's leave it at for now.
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